A special military operation to demilitarize and denify Ukraine, which began in February, heightened fears about supplies that were already weighing on prices. Sanctions against Russia and buyer evasion of Russian oil have already led to a drop in production and raised fears of large losses.
The war in Ukraine continues to affect the markets
The hope for an early end to the war, which appeared against the backdrop of the recent negotiations in Istanbul between the Russian and Ukrainian sides, became the reason for the liquidation of long positions in the US dollar and short positions on stock markets.
The ruble slowed down its decline against the dollar
The Russian ruble rose on Monday, offsetting earlier losses, and the underlying Moscow Exchange stock index climbed to levels last seen before Russia sent thousands of troops into Ukraine as markets await a new round of talks between Moscow and Kiev.
News background for the week of 04/04/2022
09:00 - Eurozone. German Industrial Production (MoM) (Feb); 12:00 - Eurozone. The volume of retail sales; 15:30 - USA. Number of initial claims for unemployment benefits. Friday, April 8
Up to 70% of the spread
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